Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Words related to the Australian Prime Minister's response Netizen Bali

~Related greeting Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott called for the release of death row Bali Nine group, Myuran and Andrew Chan, considering it has given so much to aid Tsunami in 2004.
Under these conditions, get a variety of responses from netizens in Bali. Of the 4,028 netizens from Bali (until Sunday (02.22.2015) at 15.00 pm) which read the news in Bali Tribune fan pages, 40 semeton them have expressed their feelings, while 140 provide support in the form of liked.
Here are some of their expression of fan pages Tribune Bali ->,
Samsudin Nur Ismail
We must be ready to return the funds 13 trillion, with raising money, it involves self-stimulation. And bali nine emotion ed suicide, the stimulation Indonesian legal procedures ,,, we still support Indonesia.
Komang Su
Abbot No need lots of hanging the man australi omong..segera her. It was the willingness of people of Bali.

Genah Royal Salute
A friend will help slalu remember that pernh given the name of false friends, bali tidk need malahn australia australia tourists who need bali, would liuran dengn where low prices and close ?? Esa lost two fairly

Yuks collect coins and uploaded with the hashtag # coins4australia
@Desak Putu Suparwati
dia tdk ubahnya sprt anak kecil dan id***... sy bersedia menyumbang sdkt wlupun tdk banyak utk HARGA DIRI Bangsa & Martabat INDONESIA. HUKUM HRS DITEGAKKAN.
Abbot merendahkan hrga diri RI... Kita gak minta,aussie yg ngasih!!!
Mari kita kumpulkan koin untuk pm australia....klou mau di kirim aku cuma mau nitip batu nisan untuk pm australia yg terlalu o** tuhhh....
ayo indonesia bersikap. kita punya harga diri...?
Aq siap nyumbang dikit... tpi iklas banget demi negara ini untk blikin 13 t. Rakyat bersatu pasti bisa balikin
Harga diri bangsa nomor 1. Tetap eksekusi gembong narkoba id*ot atau bangsa ini hancur
Kalu mau perang ayo kta perang saya siap membela tanah air saya dan tanah kelahiran sya sudah cukup kta di injak" oleh bangsa lain skalian aja sipa yg bertahan hdup dy yg mnang. (*)

@Ndrix Nerazzurri
@Sabrang Kali
@Sentot Kuswandi
@Wirya Bali
@Angga Wisapta
@Astawa Yasa

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Year of the Sheep, Avoid Some of Your Business

~Fengshui Indonesian expert, Erwin Yap said, in this goat, there are two businesses that will experience growth mediocre. One is the element of fire which represented the stock market.
"This year the mediocrity that fire. If the source of the flame has gone so exhausted. As the stock market rise and fall quickly. Next again the lack of good land, such as residential business," said Erwin in the event Economy & Business Outlook 2015, Monday (16/02/2015).
In keeping these two elements, then there are a number of sectors which are having luck in this year. According to him, the element is a metal that is represented by a number of industries, one of which banks are synonymous with money.
"That could be master of wood and given kekuaan by land, namely metal elements in banking, pharmaceuticals, construction, and electronics. In addition, the second element is a timber that is represented by the education industry, plantations, and paper," said Erwin.
Meanwhile overall, according to Erwin, Indonesia's economic growth will be slow. The reason is that the elements contained in it is land and timber, so that the Indonesian economy is like a cactus in the middle of the arid desert.
"This year contains elements of land and real wood. Economics in 2015 described the cactus survive in the middle of the arid desert land. This is actually a global estimates, the growth is very slow," said Erwin. 

恭喜 发财 Gong Xi Fa Cai (May Many Profit) 身体 健康 Shen Ti Jian Kang (healthy Agency always) 万事如意 Wan Shi Ru Yi (All problems interchangeable finishes at will) 年年 有 馀 Nian Nian You Yu (Each Year Always Excess) 合家 平安 He Jia Ping An ( All Family Welcome) 事事 顺利 Shi Shi Shun Li (All Always Current Business) ~ Happy Chinese New Year 2566 ~ 回回 回回 回回 回回 回回 回回 回. ┏H̶̅┓.恭喜 发财 (╮͡.̰ ╭͡) G0NG XI FA CAI. (_ / L \ _).新年 快乐. (_l_) XIN Nian Kuai LE 回回 回回 回回 回回 回回 回回 回

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Injections were given Could Snake, The Beautiful Face Lawyer Being Terrible

~ A lawyer in Romania suing a plastic surgeon who has made his face swell, Friday (30/01/2015).
Dilanasir, mirrors, Reluca Crisan claimed to be victims of mal practice by a plastic surgeon Adrian dokterk Oancea.
He said that, when performing plastic surgery doctor injects a fluid originating from China.
"When it botok fluid discharged, as a place he gave me a liquid from China, because the writings dibotol liquid storage areas are all using the Chinese language," he said.

He said he will do a little surgery to make herself more attractive, but not more beautiful, Reluca face swollen and scary, like a man who runs caned.
"Once injected, I started to feel the heat in the face felt my face burning, and finally I refer directly to the hospital town of Alba-Iulia, in Romania".
Because he is a legal person, it requires both the doctor Adrian Oancea to court, he claimed that the fluid is injected venom.

Meanwhile, the Romanian Health Ministry said the doctor used liquid Adrian Oancea not registered in the Ministry of Health.
"After the investigation of websites in China, was indeed the fluid is snake venom,".
Meanwhile Reluca Crisan has been disabled by the Alba County Hospital where he worked, but still do practice at home.
Manager Alba County Hospita, Nicoleta Cosarca said, had decided his current contract proved to have violated the duty.

This Youth Addiction Dating with Grandma Age 60 Years

~ Age Kyle Jones, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was 31 years old. But, about the couple chose the older Jones decades. He was never going out with a woman under the age of 60 years in the past five years.

Jones shared his story preformance My Strange Addiction on TLC as reported by MailOnline, Friday (01/30/2015).

"I love everything from older women. I love the smell, I love feelings, I like his mentality," said Jones.

Jones said there are a myriad of terms for older women and sexy, like 'MILF' and 'cougar'. But one term she prefers is 'silver fox', because he saw the gray hair excites.

Jones was first realized by kesukannya with an older woman in sixth grade.

"There was a teacher who really sexy, she was probably around 65 years old. His hair was graying, he was top heavy and beautiful," he said.

When the first date, he chose a woman old enough suitable as a mother. When the 18-year-old Jones and dating a 50 year old woman.

"It looks really interesting. He has platinum hair (gray), wide smile. She looks very beautiful and very adventurous," he said.

His girlfriend oldest 91 years old and is now associated with Karen Jones, a woman he met online. The two met at a restaurant dinner and immediately assume Karen Jones sexy. And Karen Jones admitted truly wonderful time together.

Karen admits she was nervous because Jones was much younger, but he was excited because it had a new experience.

This kid in the Cage Caged father Because Often Attacked By Neighbor

~ A child locked up by her father for going to work because the child often attack his neighbors, Saturday (31/01/2015).
Reported mirror, Zheng Kefu (45) must confine his son Xiao Wang (12) in a cage made of iron as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or better known as hyperactive.
Kefu admitted that he had often received complaints from neighbors because their behavior is often disturbing and even violent.
Kefu finally decided to make the cage and locked his son, but he just shut his son while going to work.
"As a child he always takes all the things he saw, while growing up, he even added a rogue, he did not hesitate to destroy the objects he saw, then injure the child and destroy the belongings of the neighbors, so I decided to lock the current I go to work, "he said.
Furthermore, he said, he often gets complaints and anger the neighbors, "There have been many who come to me complaining on my act, I can not argue is my rogue," he said.
He also expressed his desire to take his son to the doctor, but he said he did not have much money. "This is what can I do confine Wang when akau work, school does no one wants to accept it," he concluded.

Clear married Saipul Jamil, Fida D'Academy Not Disappointed

~ In 2014 then, Saipul Jamil was said to be married this year. And proven, Ipul --sapaan Saipul Jamil-- had approached several women, including Aiko Cheff, Fida D'Academy until Risma D'Academy.

One of the three women, namely Fida D'Academy said that Ipul had asked her to marry. "Yeah once said like that," said Fida via telephone to, Sunday (01/02/2015).

"We really got close, real friends, but indeed he Taarof," added the girl born in Gresik, 20 years ago this.

But now the owner's real name Alfinatul Mufidah seem Saipul Jamil disappointed with the attitude that seems to underestimate the feelings of a woman. Because, not only Fida who'd like to be married by the widower Dewi Persik.

Aiko Cheef had preached to marry Saipul Jamil if you want hijab, and now Risma D'Academy reportedly become the destination for his anchor Ipul. In response, Fida resigned themselves, and do not assume Saipul Jamil give false hope.

"Fida not feel in PHP (Giver of Hope False) at Bang Ipul. Because it is from the beginning we did not have a commitment. So want to close with anyone monggo," Fida lid.

Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina coma, Due to Overdose?

~ Hollywood celebrity universe created surprised to learn the daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Whitney Houston was found unconscious in the bathtub of his house in Roswell, Georgia, Saturday (01/31/2015) local time, by her husband, Nick Gordon.

Bobbi Kristina was rushed to the hospital. His condition was reportedly stable. However, the latest news reported by Hollywoodlife, Sunday (01/02/2015) says, Bobbi in a coma.

Page TMZ report, the doctor will prepare the worst conditions. This development is less encouraging. Therefore, only a few hours earlier reportedly stable after hospital admission.

According to the latest developments as well, coma Bobbi Kristina didugaan obtained as a result of his drug overdose. If it is true, the condition will get worse again.

"When a drug overdose, a person will be in a coma and died in advance, because the influence of drugs will rise to areas of the brain that serves to govern the lungs breathe," said Steven Orenstein, LMFT who heads Neurodevelopmental Learning Institute in Los Angeles, on Hollywoodlife.
"From there, the influence of drugs will rule the lungs to breathe. That's what usually happens in cases of overdose. Breath people will slow down, then the brain is damaged from lack of oxygen, and finally the man had died," said the expert.

The families are also increasingly concerned about the condition of Bobbi Kristina Brown. "His condition worsened, we (family) was not sure she would survive," said a source.

The incident happened Bobbi Kristina Brown ynag came two weeks before the date of the tragic death of Whitney Houston. The singer of 'I Will Always Love You` that died was found in a hotel in Los Angeles. "Obviously we all know what happened to her mother very similar (with Bobbi)," said Lisa Holland of the Roswell police.

A police investigation results, Whitney Houston died from accidental drowning in the bathtub due to a heart attack. The results of toxicology tests, said Whitney found a substance in the body of cocaine, marijuana, hydrocodone, and Benadryl, and a variety of other drugs.

~ During the Great Wall of China known as the longest building in the world. The longest building in the world has an overall length of 8,850 km. However, have you ever wondered how such a tip of the Great Wall of China itself?

One end of the Great Wall of China to the west, which is in the Top Lake. The other end is located at the east end. Precisely in Shanhaiguan. Shanhaiguan is often dubbed as the Old Dragon's Head. The place is named for the end of the Great Wall of China is indeed resemble long dragon head buried in the sea.

At the end of the wall, visitors can see the direct sea panorama and rose to a watchtower and a temple on it. The place is divided into seven sections, but which became a favorite of tourists only two, namely Changtai Tower and Nereus Temple.

Changtai Tower merupakab two-storey building with wood and brick foundation that serves as a watchtower. While Nereus Temple is famous for never visited by the emperor in the Qing Dynasty.

Bill Gates Says One regret

~ Known as the world's richest man, Bill Gates did not always feel happy in his life. Recently, he even revealed the biggest regret of his life.

"I feel so stupid as not to know other foreign languages and could only speak English. I never studied Greek and Latin in high school and a bad value," said Gates expresses its deepest regret, as quoted from IBT Times, Friday (30/1 / 2015).

Gates was very sorry because it can only speak English and do not master a language other than that. Now he hopes to speak English, French or Arabic.

"I wish they had the time to learn one of the three languages, perhaps France because it seems the easiest," said Gates.

The world's richest billionaires also admitted impressed with linguistic abilities possessed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. He was also impressed with the ability of learning and action Zuckerberg answered all the questions in Mandarin during a visit to China.

"I had to learn another language, but Zuckerberg studied Mandarin with a very unusual," he says.

Here's How to Make a New Heart

~ Progress biotechnology continues to evolve to address the health issues arising in transplant jantungmenggunakan previous ways. One of the problems that arise with heart transplantation is rejection of the entry of a foreign object by the body of the organ recipient.

A researcher, Dr. Doris Taylor, perform another way to make a replacement heart using stem cells (stem cells) the recipient of the donor itself, thus reducing the risk of organ rejection by the body.

How to Dr. Doris Taylor began the process of "decellularization" substantially remove cells that exist in the donor heart to leave the structure (building) jantungya only. Stem cells heart donor recipient is then inserted into the heart of the building from donors who have left the structure.

After some time, the stem cells develop into heart cells that fill the heart of the building of the 'empty' earlier and returned to the donor-recipient body. Thus, the patient saw a new heart that as part of his own body and not denial.

Referring to the Texas Heart Institute's website, in a way past a heart transplant donor organ rejection necessitates lifelong treatment to reduce the risk of rejection.

However, experts still have to examine how differences in the impact of the development of this study in men and women.

Progress biotechnology continues to evolve to address the health issues arising in the past heart transplant.

Not Hold, Patient's Operation Itself By Learning From Youtube

~ A pancreas transplant patient doing the Do It Yourself (DIY) or act without guidance or monitoring by an expert in releasing stitch scar on Thursday
Reported dailymail, Women's anonymity, admitted he can not stand having to wait weeks - weeks to release the scar on his stomach which will be the medical staff of Caversham Practice in Kentish Town, North London, England.
"Once discharged, the scar is still menyisahkan stitches to be removed, the stitches will be removed by the medical side the next few weeks,"
Stitches itself using surgical staples technique, so it must be a team of experts. But because he can not stand having to wait a long time, he memutuekan to release its own without the help of a medical team.
"Because I can not stand it, I finally decided to do it myself, first of all I learned from Youtube, after everything I understand, I began to prepare everything, and make sure all the tools that I wear sterile gloves and also wear a special operation," he said .
He added, during a release seam, he felt sakita incredible, "It's kind of a pain, but everything went smoothly, and the seams can be released," he added.
Meanwhile, the media experts say, women do it very dangerous, because the right to perform the release of surgical staples or stitches release is just a doctor.

Occurrences It Will Precede Doomsday on Earth

~ Doomsday., Who was not afraid of the coming day. Various theories flourish about how the apocalypse is coming. Ranging from climate change, disease, and even aliens invaded the earth.
Many examples of science fiction film depicts how fearful doom. One of them After Earth, describing the apocalypse caused by natural disasters as earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis. However, many scientists worry that the film scenario becomes a reality.
Here are some causes of doomsday scenarios, according to the scientists:

Global warming.
Many scientists say that the worsening global warming could result in 'the world ends'. Climate change may alter extreme weather, drought in various places, to rising sea levels. Of course this can affect human survival that may lead to the apocalypse.

Many science fiction film depicts how frightening to asteroid impacts Earth, the one that tells Armageddon. Meteor hit the earth to even make the dinosaurs extinct. In 1908, in a meteor smash Siberian forest land with an area of 2,000 square kilometers.
Attack the plague.

Whether we realize it or not, that the development of disease outbreaks can eliminate the human race. Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Mers which originated from Saudi Arabia, and the latest Ebola. The spread of viral or bacterial disease outbreak is more apt to occur in view of international relations. "The threat of disease outbreaks is real," said Joseph Miller, in the textbook Biology.

Maybe people think that the really deadly bacteria humans, but also to note the presence of mold. Curator Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, David Wake said, "The threat of potentially dangerous bacteria, but the threat is more terrifying mushroom"
Engineering diseases. Not only penyakitalami dreaded plague, but also engineered disease. In 2011, the community of scientists discovered the evolution of the H5N1 bird flu virus.

Nuclear war.
Many scientists are concerned about the classic problem in the past recur, nuclear war. North Korea and Iran continues to develop nuclear power and feared to destroy the world.

Robot Attack.
You surely know the science fiction film The Terminator, the story of a robot that attacks humans. Apparently, scientists predicted the future will no longer be imminent. Many scientists think that human intelligence to create robots is increasing. But creating a robot to assist human performance still continues to be debated.

Human population explosion.
Fears rise in the number of people has occurred since that time the 18th century Thomas Malthus predicted growth would lead to famine and chaos on earth. Currently, the earth is inhabited by about seven billion people and growing. Population explosion problem really be a threat the world. There is also a debate that increasing population growth will actually make the world a stable 30 years.

Snowball effect.
Of the various possibilities apocalypse happens, scientists have suggested that the snowball effect most likely to occur. Snowball effect occurs due to the increasing global warming so that climate changes, too. Ecosystem be destroyed resulting in a decrease in food production. "Doomsday occurs not because of a big thing, but small things that continue to grow," said Miller.
Doomsday may be unavoidable, but the occurrence can be slowed. Always be alert and loving environment is the key.