Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Charger stuck continue in plug WASTES ELECTRICAL?

~ Recharge the battery smartphone mostly done at night because at that time the mobile phone user has minimal wear. However, the charging is done at night allegedly able to make so wasteful electricity.

Because, when charging the phone at night, usually will allow mobile users continuously connected to the power source until the morning. Yet to charge the phone until full charging an average of only needs to be done for 2 hours.

Is this correct? How true fact?

A study was conducted by Professor David McKay of Cambridge to answer that question. The study was conducted to prove how much power is consumed when the charger still plugged into a power source without charging the phone.

McKay said that the generated power charger when plugged in electric outlet without a phone for a year is equivalent to that required for heating water for bathing once. In other words, McKay says that power is wasted is not so great.

"Obesif turn off the cell phone charger likened to paddle the Titanic wear teaspoon. Turn it off better, but note also how big the impact of not turn it off," said McKay as reported by Phone Arena.

Another study ever conducted Lawrence Berkeley National Library in 2012 states that the average when the charger is connected to the mains without the phone will suck power of 0.26 watts. However, when the cell phone charger to charge to the flow of electricity increased to 3.68 watts. And when the mobile phone is 100% then its down to 2.24 watts.

However, the thing that must be considered is the risk that the charger is always attached to the phone all night will affect battery life. Researchers say, lithium ion batteries are usually used on a smartphone should not be left connected to the electricity too long when its already filled 100%. The risk, the battery will be damaged and must be replaced more quickly because of misuse.

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