Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Snow Painting of Feet

~ Geometric forms on the surface of the snow lay vast frozen lakes in the mountains. Who made the painting of snow!. Are the ALIENS!?

Oho, it was not. Snow painting was created by an artist from the UK. His name, Mr. Simon Beck. Mr. Simon has made the snow painting since 2004. He was made in the UK, France, Austria, and various other places.
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Snow painting works of Sir Simon Beck made with his feet.
Artificial snow paintings Mr. Simon is really amazing. Forms look so detailed and difficult. Mr. Simon made by means of what, huh? He paints with his feet! Waaa ... Great!
When making snow painting, Mr. Simon only armed with a map that he has made himself, snowshoes, and compass. He then painted with his feet on the surface of a frozen lake or snowy mountain which is about 3 times the football field. To do a painting of snow, Mr Simon takes approximately 12 hours.
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Mr. Simon Beck diligently making snow painting for 10 years.
Painting in the snow is not easy. Mr. Simon do till night, in the super cold air. Bbbrrr ... Uh, the next morning he woke up, the painting has been lost because of falling snow blizzard.
However, Mr. Simon did not give up. He continued to paint on top of the snow. Now, after 10 years, snow painting estimated at 175 paintings. He also published a book containing about 200 photos of snow painting ever made so far.
Uh, Mr. Simon is also now trying to paint on the beach. Well, if painting on the beach, anyway, we also can dong! Hihihi ...; P

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